My Areas of Expertise
This page has my areas of expertise and the sectors I have experience applying it in. I centre a co-design approach when creating deliverables for a client.
Race-based data collection
Anti-racism policy and audit
Anti-racist program development
Decolonizing our relationship to time
Decolonizing sustainability
Decolonizing research
Restoratrive Practice
Conflict resolution and mediation
Complaint policy and procedure
Restorative practices and justice
Starting an organization
Lived experience as qualification
Grant and CV writing
Gender and sexuality equity
Disability equity
Equality vs Equity
Strategic Planning
Story-based strategy planning
Relational success criteria
Radical imagination
Climate Justice
Relationship to Earth
Climate action to climate justice
Climate policy and audit
Indigenizing workplace culture
Indigenous advising councils
Indigenous engagement
Disability Justice
Accessible engagement
Accessibility policy and procedure
Ableism and racism
Youth Engagement
Youth advising councils
Youth engagement
Youth programming
Public policy and audit
Organizational policy and audits
Activism to policy
Ribbon Skirt Making
Arts as a valuable use of time
Art as medicine
Creativity and culture
These are the areas of expertise I speak on:
Preparing for an upcoming day or month? Here are my areas of expertise associated with special Canadian dates. Examples of presentation titles have been included and can be tailored to you, your country, and your sector.

These are sectors I have experience applying my expertise in:
Post-Secondary Education
Student orientations
Student-group events
Faculty and staff events
Medical school events
Organizational health events
Practitioner development events
Conference presentations
Staff development events
Community engagements
Communications and Media
Media hosting and interviews
PR firm presentations
Social media takeovers
International Development
Classroom presentations
Conference presentations
Staff development events
Urban Planning
Classroom presentations
Conference presentations
Staff development events
K-12 Education
Student conferences
Teacher professional development
Classroom presentations
Natural Resources
Conference presentations
Staff development events
Community engagements
Outdoor Industry and Sports
Wilderness conservation events
Outdoor sports events
Brand ambassadorship
Arts and Culture
Arts program presentations
Conference presentations
Board development
Law and Justice
Firm presentations
Senior leadership development
Staff development
Board development
Selection committee development
Applicant support initiatives

Here are some examples of my presentation titles and descriptions:
Honouring Self, Community, and Earth Through the Reimagination of ‘Sustainability'
What is your relationship to time and productivity? What about your relationship to Earth? Maybe you’ve thought about these relationships, but it’s likely you haven’t been encouraged to consciously or regularly reflect on these relationships. When we critically reflect on what these relationships mean to us and why, we can be confronted with the insidious influence of the living legacies of capitalism and colonialism. And yes, this has everything to do with 'sustainability.'
In our session we'll explore how our understandings of sustainability is and can be informed by how we relate to Self, Community, and Earth. Our shared space will be shaped by the following reflection questions:
What do Self, Community, and Earth mean to me?
How have our approaches to sustainability been shaped by capitalism and colonialism?
What can I do to reimagine sustainability to better honour myself, my community, and Earth?
Please contact me directly at larissa@futureancestors.ca if you require adapted learning materials (i.e. larger text, plain text, etc.).
Three Skills to Advance Reconciliation and Solidarity
'Three Skills to Advance Reconciliation and Solidarity' will explore how we can build our capacity (today!) to ethically and sustainably contribute to reconciliation and solidarity within and between communities. Tangible tools and practices will be shared with the purpose of empowering the participants to reflect and articulate the value and wisdom they carry, regardless of age, status, or education.
Larissa Crawford, York U alumni 2022 'One to Watch' awardee and Founder of Future Ancestors Services, will be delivering this presentation in dedication of her two beloved mentors and accelerators of anti-racist change at York University, Dr. Lorne Foster and Ruth Green. In an effort to humanize and exemplify the three skills explored, Larissa will weave storytelling from her +14 years of experience in anti-racism and Indigenous research, policy, and community engagement.
Reconciling Through Reimagining Strategic Planning
What does a successful relationship with Indigenous communities look like for your organization? Who is included in defining your criteria of success? How are your pathways forward aligned with ‘reconciliation’? In the spirit of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (September 31st), Reconciling Through Reimagining Strategic Planning will explore these questions in the context of strategic planning.
After an effort to establish shared language around decolonization, Indigenization, and reconciliation, we’ll dive into an action-oriented dialogue of what these concepts look like in practice, and how that can drive a relationship-first approach to organizational development.
The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, originally and still colloquially known as Orange Shirt Day, is a Canadian holiday to recognize the legacy of the Canadian Indian residential school system. For more on further 2023 learning opportunities and resources, visit the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation.
Exploring Safety and Belonging for [Organization]
Just as important as our work output is how we work; the relationships we hold with ourselves, each other, and valuable knowledge all shape what we create and contribute to. In this presentation, we're going to be focusing on safety and belonging in how you work.
First, we'll take some time to explore what successful safety and belonging looks like at [Organization], and we'll use the language of 'cultural competency' to do so. After establishing a shared language you will have the opportunity to build your capacity in understanding your own worldview and how it shapes your relationships. We'll finally examine three tangible practices and mechanisms that can contribute to safer, culturally competent spaces and relationships.
We facilitate our digital shared spaces using dynamic practices informed by psychology research on 'Zoom fatigue' to honour the mental and physical strains of long-term video conferencing, diverse learning styles, and accessibility needs.
Our spaces are also always caregiver friendly; please do not feel the need to apologize for any responsibilities that arise before or during our session.
If you have any accessibility needs or, advocacy and intervention expectations for me as a facilitator, please email directly at larissa@futureancestors.ca with "[Title]" in the subject line
Your 'Truth' Isn't the Only 'Truth': (De)Colonizing Worldviews in the Workplace
Hierarchies of whose knowledge is considered "unbiased and legitimate", and whose knowledge is considered "too spiritual and political" are informed by the living legacies of colonialism and extractivism. Consequently, groups of people become systemically regarded as the inferior "other" are harmed in often violent ways, and innovation, effective work outputs, and truly inclusive workplaces are stifled. This keynote explores how we may cause harm, and how we may address that harm through an awareness of our worldviews and relationships to time and qualification. Participants have the opportunity to leave with an improved capacity to "Think Different" and to critically self-reflect in pursuit of more just and sustainable futures.
In advance of this keynote, participants can read Environmental Scientists and Policymakers Have a Responsibility to Reconciliation, Too, an article written on this subject by Larissa Crawford and published in The Canadian Science Policy Magazine, Issue 01, 2019.
Conscious Future Ancestors: Reconciling Our Relationships to Self, Community, and Earth Across Space and Time
What does it mean to be a future ancestor, and how can we apply this understanding in our lives today? In the session, "Conscious Future Ancestors: Reconciling Our Relationships to Self, Community, and Earth Across Space and Time" Larissa Crawford will hold space to explore how, when we seek to understand how the actions and inactions of our ancestors shaped the realities we've inherited today, we're better positioned to understand how our own actions and inactions are shaping our realities and those of future generations.
Weaving incredibly intimate personal storytelling, historical research, and tangible tools, Larissa provides you the opportunity to act and think in ways that are consciously aligned with the future ancestor you seek to be.

Select Speaking Videos

GLOBE VIPs (Very Impactful People): Larissa Crawford

Larissa Crawford Opening GLOBE 2020 Forum

Day 1 - Youth Keynote Presentation

Introduction - Larissa Crawford, Future Ancestors Services

Future Ancestors Services: A Witnessed Sharing Circle With Afro-Indigenous Advocates

How to be an ally to Indigenous Peoples in Canada | CBC Kids News
Finally, here are some examples of my speaking services in action: